The policies of the Land Bank are executed by five elected Land Bank Commissioners who serve without compensation administering the Land Bank Act, land acquisition, and property management. 13 full-time, year-round staff members are employed by the Commission.
Kristina Jelleme
ChairApril 2027
Mark Donato
Vice ChairApril 2025
Allen B. Reinhard
SecretaryApril 2028
Neil Paterson
TreasurerApril 2026
John J. Stackpole
Vice Secretary/Vice TreasurerApril 2029
Rachael Freeman
Executive Director
Susan C. Campese
Director of Finance & Administration
Eleanor Antonietti
Special Projects Coordinator
Marian Wilson
Office Administrator
Environmental & Agricultural
Isaac Basibe
Agricultural Specialist
Molly Cahill
Field Ecology Coordinator
Anna DeCarlo
Field Assistant
Emily Goldstein Murphy, PhD
Director of Environmental & Agricultural Resources
Claire O’Connor
Field Operations Administrator
Elizabeth Phelps
Environmental Permitting Coordinator
Property Management
Jeffrey Pollock
Property Foreman
Robert Earley
Property Manager
Richard Schraff
Property Stewardship Manager
Diana Silvestri
Assistant Property StewardThomas Geras
Buildings/Facilities Manager