Lily Pond Park Project
The Lily Pond Project was developed by the Horsley Witten Group in collaboration with the Land Bank to improve the hydraulic, ecological and recreational function of Lily Pond Park.

Forest Management Project
Active management will not only make our forest more resilient to the threats of southern pine beetle and wildfire, but will also increase biodiversity and restore the pine barren habitat at this site.

Community Garden
The Land Bank created a new Community Garden behind the Discovery Playground at 50 Old South Road. Our goal is to provide a source of inexpensive and nutritious food, an opportunity for physical outdoor activity, and a source of personal and community pride for year-round island residents.

Land Bank Rain Garden
The Land Bank Rain Garden (located at 65 & 67 Easton St) was developed by the Horsley Witten Group in collaboration with the Land Bank to better absorb and filter stormwater runoff before entering our harbor via storm drains. The park was officially opened to the public on July 31, 2024!

Washington Street Resilience Framework Plan
A joint project between the Town and the Land Bank for Washington Street to increase the longevity of this transportation corridor and help mitigate current and future flooding.

Cisco Beach Parking Lot Relocation
Winter storms caused major erosion at Cisco Beach, resulting in the closure of the front parking section. Click to read about the Land Bank’s plans to ensure continued beach access at this property.

Bike Park Project
One of the three pillars of the Land Bank’s mission is to create outdoor recreational opportunities for residents and visitors, and we are currently exploring creating a bike park for all ages and abilities.