This property was purchased from the Gardner Family in 1995. Now known as the Gardner Farm, this 112 acre parcel was actively farmed for much of the eighteen and nineteen hundreds before being allowed to naturally reseed. The trails begin at a dirt parking area on Hummock Pond Road, loop through grassy fields, and lead down to the edge of Hummock Pond. By following the trail northeast, it is possible to access the Massachusetts Audubon’s Lost Farm Sanctuary and the Land Bank’s Millbrook Road property.
181 Hummock Pond Road, 60 Millbrook Road
From Town, drive southwest on Hummock Pond Road. After the intersection of Hummock Pond Road and Bartlett Farm Road, continue 0.3 miles and the dirt parking area is on the right.
Trail Maps

Property Marker

Land Bank trails are marked by the post shown here.