Situated across from Miacomet Pond, Miacomet Woods is a 32-acre forest dominated by pitch pines. These trees provide essential habitat for the northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis), which was recently reclassified from threatened to endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act. The shrub understory is full of colorful shrubs such as huckleberry, viburnum, and blueberry. This woodland property now features a 0.8-mile trail, which makes for a pleasant summer walk beneath the shade of the forest canopy. After you enjoy a peaceful walk on the trail, cross the street to take in the view of Miacomet Pond!
70 Miacomet Road
From the intersection of Surfside and Miacomet Roads, drive south on Miacomet Road for 0.7 miles, and there are two pull-off parking spots (parallel to the road) on the left.
Property Marker

Land Bank trails are marked by the post shown here.